Bangkok Hualamphong train station... Monks got reserved seat :) |
Jan 26... I woke up because there was some sorta kerfuffle going on at the back of the bus. I saw one of the bus person was trying to pry something... and came a spark.... ugh... not good.... spark is never a good thing unless you need to make a fire. In this case.... ummm.... not good... He was trying to find the source, I figure maybe short circuit of the air conditioner, because I noticed it wasn't freezing cold anymore in the bus. After he pried open the aluminium frame on the door opening to the back of the bus and also some panel, he still could not find the source. EEEks ... that's my first thought. Then, the typical outcome of travelling in third world country.... of course the bus had to stop, because with that kind of spark (well, right behind where I was sitting) the bus was not safe for travel. So, stopping at some bus station, he told us all to get off the bus and catch a taxi to Bangkok's Khaosan road, which was about 20 km or so from where he dropped us off (and told us it will cost around 300 Baht). Some Italian tourists shouting 'policia' and basically wanted to call the police, while we're trying to tell the bus driver he might want to call his company because they have to cover the cost for the taxi. I told everyone to stick together, and not being impatient and took off their own way. Some hopped on a taxi right away, but most of us stayed together to see what are the other option. They told us they're going to see if they could find another bus, but they ended up agree to pay for the taxi. The place where they dropped us off was not all that far from Khaosan Road, but it will cost arm and leg for taxi, furthermore, the point was we already paid to get to Khaosan Road, if there's a broke down on the bus the company should do whatever they have to do to get their customers to the intended and promised destination, doesn't matter if it's a third world country. We made sure the company is paying and we will not be charge of the taxi fare, then we all hopped on to several taxis, which of course took us very very quickly to Khaosan Road.
Hualamphong station |
Since we left 2 hours early, of course we ended up arriving early at Khaosan Road. The area was despicable at that early morning, full of hookers and losers who can only get chance to get laid in Thailand... even then only by hookers. Everybody pissed drunk and act like losers, very sad to see..... We thought, at 0330 in the morning in Bangkok, being in a crowd maybe our safest chance. So we hung around there for a bit, but I couldn't stand seeing all the loser tourists who thought they're the shit just cuz they have this hooker hanging around them. I decided we should probably go to somewhat of a quieter place, maybe in front of Starbucks. Then one guy came up to me crying, because he was told to wait at Khaosan Road for his ride (that he paid 100 Baht for he said) and he didn't know what's going on. I told him that I will be going by public bus and train to the airport, but not a charter bus for tourist. He was crying some more and I had a look at his ticket, then he saw someone that he thought was maybe from the agency he booked the ticket from then took off (still crying). Poor guy.... he should've seen my ordeal with the bus and what's coming :D . Vivian saw the public bus went by, then told me... we decided to wait for it. The bus stop area was a little quiet, but there are hostels still open and people around. We waited for about an hour for the bus.... I will not be doing this in Jakarta... not a very smart thing to do in Jakarta... somehow I felt quite safe in Bangkok, still using common sense (i.e not to go to quiet places by myself). There are some open hostels and people waiting for bus across the street, and people don't seem to bother you when they're walking by. Jakarta..... I definitely advice people not to ever do this there....
I am looking forward to see this place again! |
The bus came, and we told the person collecting the money that we want to get off at Hualamphong station. The driver seems to know where to drop us off (route never the same in Bangkok, a lot of one way streets that will turn into 2 way streets during certain hours). He pointed to us where to go.... down some alley :( There were ladies selling food along the way, but still.... dark and quiet. We hurried walked to the main road, which were just as deserted with few people driving by. I wasn't sure where to go, the last time we had to hop on to a different bus to get there... So confused, and I couldn't even see the train station from there. I thought this was the bus stop we were when we took the connection bus that was going straight to Hualamphong station, but I noticed the street was a one way street ! I saw a person across the street came out of a building that maybe a school of some sort, what an angel... he told me how to get there and told me to be careful..... We walked and found the station! I believe my guardian angel was with us too then. We all know, shit could turn out really bad at that time of the day .... This is why I always promise myself to do good things to people, strangers or not, never expect a return or thanks from the person.... always do good even when bad things happen.... karma :( .... somehow I believe that ... It was a great relief to found the station and I really thank the local Thai people that helped us get there (and really... because getting stranded in some city in a foreign country at 3 o'clock in the morning was not cool to begin with).
The train ticket to Don Mueang airport was 20 Baht for each person.... that's like less than $1.... ridiculously cheap. The train inspector was the same guy that stopped us at Ayutthaya I think :D ... he let us know when the train was approaching Don Mueang station. We hung around for a little bit before we went through security check and all that. Don Mueang airport was okay I guess... one complain I had though.... no free wifi! I guess same with most airports in Indonesia :D There it was hard to leave the warmth of Thailand, especially knowing it's getting closer to the end of my holiday, but I am quite excited to head to Singapore to see my family, and treat my parents for their 44th wedding anniversary. I guess, the closer you are to the end of something also means the closer you are to the beginning of something. That's a better way of thinking about it.... doesn't really help when you know you gonna have to face the winter lala land of Canada soon!
Arriving in Singapore was exciting. Took me a while to spot my dad, but we eventually found each other. We took the bus from Changi airport to my sister's place. Everybody was home, my niece, my brother in law, my sister, and my brother. I was so starving when I got there, ate a small snack then off we went to eat... finally :D. The restaurant was at a shopping center, very dangerous... I already spot my self few things to check out in the passing on the way to the restaurant. Singapore really reminded me of Japan. Underground shopping malls where big MRT stations are, the always busy subways stations, designated smoking areas, cleanliness (ummm... I'd give Japan a lot more points in cleanliness actually :D ), food everywhere, convenient, apartment buildings everywhere (and expensive....). The only difference is Singapore is very multicultural, and I think that's what make Singapore is very enjoyable and interesting to visit. The goodness of food from all over Asia all in Singapore. You can enjoy good Malay food, Indian food, Chinese food, Korean food, Indonesian food, Japanese food anywhere you go... the list is endless! The cultural celebrations are amazing too. The country celebrates Chinese New Year, Taipusam, Ramadhan, Christmast.... oh, very rich in cultures and everybody celebrating together! Going to Little India is like going to India without the hustle and bustle of India :D. I love Singapore because of that.... not a melting pot, but celebrating all the different cultures equally! I absolutely thoroughly enjoyed Singapore. Another difference is that many parks around and in between the apartment buildings. It's always enjoyable to be able to stroll through nice lush green park after supper and I found that little enjoyment is a little scarce in big cities such as Tokyo. However, it is a little hard to find a place where you can do wild adventure, since Singapore is a small country/city and most parts of it are developed and had become a 'pretty' tourist destination. So none of those hike in the bushes for sure :D. For sure, the effort of making the city green is there and obvious. We went to a very nice Chinese food restaurant. Expensive but worth the money! In Saskatoon... such thing is non existent :D. My brother ordered a lot of tofu dishes and vegetables, but also ordered special steamed chicken dish served with ginger sauce. Apparently this is their specialty and the recipe apparently was invented in the past by Chinese labors who are women, according to my brother. It was a really good night, I met my brother in law's sister too. Afterwards my brother in law took Vivian to the library and my sister and I went shopping. Of course I didn't come home with empty hand (^^)... it's Singapore! Who could resist? :D (well... I said the same thing about Japan :D ) Ended the night just chatting around with my brother and my sister, catching up with what was going on. The time where I get to kiss the pillow and call it the night felt really good.... Off to another adventure the next day!
Yummm yummm :D The hot pot tofu I got was REALLY REALLY good. |
Asian countries... always fresh fruit seller at every corner! |
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